Thursday, 20 February 2014


Learn Photoshop

1. Snowy Hill
In the end place YOUR NAME in the banner.
Tutorial Link: Snowy Hill 



2.  Sunflower CafĂ©

  • You may use their flower and clouds but I prefer you to choose your own.
  • Use YOUR NAME instead of "sunflower".
  • Make the clouds move.
Tutorial Link: Sunflower Cafe

3. Flip Card
Video Tutorial:
4. Your face
get a picture of your face.
Apply these techniques to your face:
Post the original beside your work.
a. Eye colour change -change BOTH EYES
     ( 2 different colours) LINK
b. Skin texture change LINK
using your face image
isolate the skin and with the ALT key surround the eyes and mouth. CTRL-J the skin on to a new layer (The eyes and mouth should be empty holes) ... then apply the texture technique.
Post the original beside your work.

c. Filter effects
once again use your own face image
Post the original beside your work.

          (8 different types) 

d. Apply what your have learnt to:
especially: animation, filters, pen tool, burn and dodge tool.